BEYOND THE CALL's wellness expeditions support past and present first responders by building peer support to face and overcome individual challenges in an outdoor wilderness team environment.
By assisting and empowering others in the same field, participants are able to break down physical and mental barriers, build camaraderie with their peers, and renew their connection to nature all while striving to reach a common goal.​

BEYOND THE CALL's outdoor wellness initiative brings together First Responders living with physical and psychological challenges through fun and invigorating outdoor expeditions.
BEYOND THE CALL expeditions provides first responders a release from the everyday routines and stresses to enjoy the company of peers, in a pristine wilderness setting breathing in fresh mountain air and catching the afternoon sea breeze all the while focusing on the simple enjoyments of life.
Expedition teams must overcome physical and mental barriers to reach a common goal, while renewing their connection to nature through multi day excursions.

Together, we strive to build a community where first responders find strength, support, and a sense of belonging and purpose through fun and invigorating outdoor adventures.